Monday, March 28, 2011

Philosophy professor vs Nihilist philosophy student. This is becoming a recurring theme in class. Professor makes argument, student challenges and name drops different philosophers he has read while getting further away from original topic. I watch the young professor go from avoiding conflict to heading into it somewhat authoritatively.


I tune out ad recount a sparring match in which I did well. I try and remember things that worked for me and why they did. I repeat the move over and over until something snaps me back to reality.

I become painfully self aware as I scan the room. I remind myself not to bite my nails.

Girl to my far right is stunning. If she turns and looks at me I'll sedeuce her with my glance.

She leaves early and never looks up from her computer.

Back to reality. Professor is back doing rounds with student. Student posturing a bit, smug. Professor uses the "we aren't going there" move and we are back on topic.

I focus and listen.

Cannot understand a thing.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Research paper on something this Monday. Gotta spring into action!

Still learning how to groom ma beard.

Becoming far more sinewy and crazy. Things are looking up.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

In diner. Old lady pays for breakfast, grabs fistfuls of peppermints and toothpicks as she leaves. Time slows down.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Chronic Stress State - When the timing between the threat and the resolution of the threat are more distant (the threat or the perception of threat is prolonged or other threats occur before the body has recovered), the “fight-or-flight" reaction continues and becomes the new ‘standard operating condition’ of the body, chronic Defense Physiology. Continuing in this mode produces significant negative effects (distress) in many aspects of body functioning (physical, mental and emotional distress).


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Wrote some great, fucked up stuff today. Feels good. Noir contest go!