Monday, November 28, 2011

The dude who plays chalkie whites right hand man on boardwalk empire is fantastic.

The guy with half the face is the best.

I can't wait to compete again.

Guna check out cronenberg's "the brood".

This is a lot more effective if you hum Ace Hood's "Hustle Hard" while you watch. Thats pretty much what was going on in my mind during this.

Apologies for the darkness of the vid, should be fixed soon.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Coping with my first knee injury has been hard. Got it in the opening round of my tournament last week (video soon). Felt good in the match and was doing well, but then got put in my opponents lockdown. He tried to sweep me twice and I based back, my right leg vulnerable, entangled. When I based back, he attempted his sweep and my knee went with him. But, I didn't give up the two.

I just verbally tapped by yelling ARRRRRGHHHHHHHH.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Uhhhhhh, I'm going to try and update this reguraly.

It seems like everyone has a blog at the new school. My friend and student told me to market myself more. So, here goes.

Lost at Pan Ams, but got the sweetest scar.

Naga tomorrow. I may actually kill my competition.

Work is almost overhwhelming. But, not so yet.

School is getting pushed aside, need to cram this weekend.

Women women women.