Tuesday, January 22, 2013

You'll probably be here all day. We're backed up, so you probably won't see a judge till tomorrow. That's the way it is. Get in the cell.

I stepped in, the cell doors clanked shut. My hangover was hitting me now. Three Dominicans in suits immediately ceased their conversation and began staring at me. I looked at them, and then around the cell. There were about seventeen men. A few were white and spanish, but mostly everyone was black.

All the benches were taken, a lot of the men had taken to sleeping on the floor. It was Wednesday morning, around 9am. I had been up all night.

A lot of the men in the cell were crazy. The kind you would see aggressively muttering to themselves in the subway. That type. I sat down next to one who offered me space on the bench beside him. He was far gone.

Time passed slowly. An infection on my knee was out of control, a result of sleep deprivation, alcohol, and the night before. I hadn't eaten anything in awhile. My last meal was bourbon.

Amongst all the screaming I heard one man yelling. His head was in his hands.

Sobriety sucks! Ohhh...I need a drink!!

Monday, January 21, 2013

I was holding her down now, her body was rigid. I studied her face. Her teeth were clenched, her breathing was even more hurried than before. Strangely, her eyes were shaking. I looked directly, deep into them. Her head was shaking in a way that made it seem like her eyes would vibrate right out of the sockets.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Training day. I look forward to grinding my body into nothing and then poisoning it heavily after. I will encounter my spirit guide, I am sure of it.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Thursday afternoon class. A little tired, but in a good way. Chugging water, killing the various poisons in my system before the day gets ahead of me.

Vicodin haze...

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

"Perverts pot of gold at the end of a digital rainbow." -Detective Elliot Stabler

Monday, January 14, 2013

Thursday, January 3, 2013

"Virtual sex wasn't enough, this perv wanted Rachel for real."
-Detective Olivia Benson. SVU Season 9, episode 2.