Thursday, January 7, 2016

Thursday, June 18, 2015

People come in and out of your life the doctor said.

I remembered one of her inscriptions had said something like that to me.

"Someone once told me people in and out of your life, well I hope I know you for a very long time".

She didn't it turned out. Just a few years, long enough to fall in love.

I had lost another good woman recently too. The best actually.

The others had all left me in some way or the other. This one I drove away with incessant lies and shady behavior (as she called it). I completely took her for granted.

She had added to me. the others mostly subtracted. I had wanted more passion and excitement after reeling from losing two passionate loves, one after the other. I didn't appreciate the real love and care she gave to me, attended to me. She took care of me.

Now, I had lost that too.

Memories and feelings plagued me, sick and sad feelings I couldn't shake.

I had to burn myself from the inside out.

Friday, May 29, 2015

You're a liar she said.

What could i say in reply? Nothing. I tried anyway, but soon realized silence was my best recourse.

I've known the deal from the start. You lie. I knew you had a girlfriend when I met you, I know you lie.

I remained silent. Apologies and the like didn't matter now.

Why are you telling me this? I asked.

Because it's the truth."

Friday, April 3, 2015

Secrets to success

1) Cry in public (while you walk, order lunch, etc.)
2) Over train to the point of anxiety
3) Try and "fix" things
4) Fuck with reckless abandon 

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Without warning, she bounded up towards the apartment. Both of her hands seized the front door knob and she was inside!

Help meeee! Please!!!

It was pitch black in the apartment and I was pretty drunk. Still, I came up on her side and caught her jaw perfectly with a right hand that instantly dropped her.

Sorry about that I said to my friend.

I shoved her unconscious body out of the apartment. We were now back in the stairwell and she was coming too.
The light was jarring in Kevins one room apartment. We had gone from a dank pit like Lit and were now human cockroaches in what seemed to be a florescent tube.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

I needed someone to help me mend, and I had used her. I tried to warn her. It went bad though and she had become used up. Partially from me, partially from the next guy, partially from alcohol. I wanted to help her and save her, but I couldn't. She was different now, and it seemed there was no going back.