Wednesday, August 31, 2011

School is so great. Have to be even more alpha. Also, New class today. Excited.
Now, movie reviews!!!

Here's what I remember-

The fly
This was totally amazing in every way possible. It starred Jeff goldblum who is at his best in this playing a character with the ultimate form of nerd rage. The movie is basically Jeff goldblum acting alpha (being himself) and then tons of gross out scenes that still kinda hold up. Special attention should be payed to geena Davis's abortion/delivery scene. This scene stacks up to other all time great abortion scenes in cinematic history, such as the one from "the last American virgin" and masters of horror "pro life". Serious company to keep.

As awesome as the fly was, Darkman was the more entertaining film. It starred Liam neeson, Francis mcdormand, and Larry drake (the guy who played Benny on la law). Liam is pretty amazing as Darkman, but drakes Durant was my favorite character.  Durant is an alpha crime boss who takes what he wants when he wants. He has a human trophy case, henchmen made up of lunatics, and a special male assistant named Keith. If it wasn't for darkmans awkward dating scene which I identify with,  Durant would be the clear favorite. Oh yeah, Sam Raimi made this and its one of his good ones. Fuck batman, see Darkman!!!!!!!!.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Horror movie reviews soon!!

I started counting my breaths after I wake up. It's very centering. Too much thought, too much Facebook. I have a lot happening with school and other stuff. It's good to start the day as simply as I can.
Is like to work on my judo this week. I also want to continue working on my offense from guard with the overhook.
It's time to start writing again. Tomorrow is class.
New drills for jiu jitsu, have to figure them out.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

At freemans sporting goods in the west village. I walked past the juice store an ex girlfriend worked at, vivid memories. Beatdown training this afternoon, will be terrible. I hope this barber does a good job, when he asks me what I want ill say "short". I hope he takes my glaseses into account when he styles my hair. I won't actually mention that though.

I'm excited about school and the possibilities in store for me.

Work continues to go exceptionally well.

Beautiful girls out. Tall, long dark hair, big eyes and lips. Who are you they stare at me.

Hard to say what I want most now, but they are a major part of it.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Sleep is so important. My coach says sobriety is just as important. But I'm not sure.

I'm going to be obnoxious with these updates for some time.

At a copy center, my friend, Alex and I take notice of a bizarre, sexual middle aged woman. A fellow customer, she tells us to "Enjoy" as we take our copies.neither me or Alex can keep the conversation going.

Oh snap, I can post. Very good.

Guna have to make a new blog, my smartphone doesn't link to blogger?

Its that time of year again! School!!!!!!!!!!!

Taking a class Ghastly Beauty and my first class I took when I went to school, Fiction writing with Sidney Offitt.

Jiu Jitsu continues to grow and change my life in positive, unexpected ways. This past year has been a huge change for me in a lot of things, and its a great feeling to enter into the new.

Attack, attack, attack.

Cash flow problems can't be avoided as I go off to a friends wedding, but something tells me everything will be just fine.

Listening to remixes of the killers often.

More introspective ramblings later.