Thursday, May 24, 2012

Update son what!

Finished school, been competing like a mofo. Mundials in less than a week! Where to begin...

Its apparent to me that my face has changed significantly from BJJ. I have scars over my eyes, my ears are now fucking TERRIBLE (the right one especially sticks out), I am much more chimp like in appearance.

I'll be competing at the mundials in a week. I've trained so hard for this one, nothing else has mattered. I did two tournaments on saturday, which was brutal, but great fun. The whole thing, the plane trip, the hotel, the comp against the best in the world is something that I think about daily.

When doing something like this, its really important to surround yourself with the right people, with positivity. I was so unaware of all of these factors when I started, I was just playing pretend Jiu Jitsu. Now, that I've actually given my body and face to this sport (and will do so for awhile), I'm getting a much more mature idea of what it takes to compete and win.

I look forward to competing at the mundials.

School was a mixed bag. I pray to teh heavens my vampire teacher takes mercy on me for that class. My final cut class was very overwhelming, and I most certainly would have failed if not for help. But, some great projects came out of it. I'm really happy and proud of what little work I did in that class. I'll upload it soon.

When I get back from California I'll register for classes. Maybe earlier...I do have some time to rest.

New York is beautiful right now. Its raining. I miss the different faces I would see in classes, the who are you looks, the excitement of new possibilities. Fall! I hhave to start writing more. Must. Have to. Will.

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