Monday, July 30, 2012

Alex Bedenenko, Josh Macin and me are going to train together. Its exciting, our attempt to drill and collaborate and become ready for the next level together. The goal is world championship victories, brown belts and overall excellence.

My knee rehabilitation is slow and tiring. I have to take it slow, which is good

My good friend Mila heads off to medical school. Amazing girl that will be missed.

Still must pick new classes. Tomorrow...

Going to stay very active now. Rest and settling in from the injury is over.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

In Tom Wolfe's novel The Bonfire of the Vanities, Larry Kramer, a Bronx District Attorney and one of the novel's main protagonists, prides himself on his strong sternocleidomastoids, which he "fans out" in front of women to help give himself a more tough, masculine appearance. However, in the last chapter he is publicly described by his client Maria Ruskin as "doing something weird with his neck", which deeply wounds his ego.