Thursday, June 18, 2015

People come in and out of your life the doctor said.

I remembered one of her inscriptions had said something like that to me.

"Someone once told me people in and out of your life, well I hope I know you for a very long time".

She didn't it turned out. Just a few years, long enough to fall in love.

I had lost another good woman recently too. The best actually.

The others had all left me in some way or the other. This one I drove away with incessant lies and shady behavior (as she called it). I completely took her for granted.

She had added to me. the others mostly subtracted. I had wanted more passion and excitement after reeling from losing two passionate loves, one after the other. I didn't appreciate the real love and care she gave to me, attended to me. She took care of me.

Now, I had lost that too.

Memories and feelings plagued me, sick and sad feelings I couldn't shake.

I had to burn myself from the inside out.

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