Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Workout 11/28
Medicine ball routine 1 x 3
Medicine ball routine 2 x 3
10 x 10 double 20kilo kettlebell squat
10 x 10 elevated body row
10 x 10 dips

This was horrible. Apparently jack daniels does not contribute to effective training. My body rows were garbage and I failed to reach ten on all exercises multiple times. I still crushed the squats though.
Russel's face defines the severity of the workout.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Workout 11/26
10x10 180 lb dead lift
10x10 80 lb overhead press
Jump rope/power wheel 3 x 2 min

I failed on some of the overhead press at the end, hitting 7 out of ten for a few sets. My last was 10 out of 10 though.

Jiu Jitsu is getting better. Ears are getting worse.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

My Jiu Jitsu coach, Josh, my teammate Russ, me, and my strength and conditioning coach, Gavin.

Medicine ball routine, 100 double 16k squats, 100 leg elevated body rows, alternate medicine ball routine.

My body failed on some of the rows, but the squats were easier than I thought.

Jiu Jitsu feels shitty and unfocused. It will get better though. Drilling reverse de la riva to back take to x guard. X guard is so strong for sweeps, I'd really like to get good at that entry.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

National 20s cover-

Monday, November 19, 2012

Strength and conditioning is my lifeblood. The positive effect it has cannot be overstated. Gavin coaches me and Russel pushes me.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Writing a lot! I haven't wanted too in awhile, but it feels like the best thing to do now.

First day I actually threw up most of the disgusting shit I put in my body (aftershock protein). Feel much better.

Time to teach jits!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Trained little tonight, good though. Things are hard? Keep going. Things didn't work out exactly like I problem. Go, go, go.

I was 153.4 lbs after my workout yesterday. Way too light.

Nailed my dream interpretation exam. Who would have thunk it??

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

I chose strength and conditioning over the baths. Good choice.
Currently deciding wether I should do strength and conditioning or head to the Russian baths and get revitalized.

The worst feeling ever. Use it to get stronger or fall apart. Very hard.

Still have to study for my dream interpretation test. Totally unprepared.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tuesday morning. Back to heavy strength and conditioning training while I work nonstop and go to school. It keeps my mind future forward and unable to dwell on anything. It's exhausting, but really good.

Contact lenses are the best thing ever.

I'm embarrassed to list all the supplements I'm on. Love sups bro! Nothing illegal or from Mexico though.

Friday, November 9, 2012

One more pic. This was a good day. I think I'm getting contacts soon.

Last years Pan Ams. Went 1-1. Kevin (whos rashguard I am wearing) later gave me the shirt. To be fair, it was a trade.
I'm writing a lot more these days. I'm only supposed to write things that reflect well on my marketing image, so I made sure not to include the piece I wrote on the intimacy of sexual torture on this blog. Its a shame, because I feel like it was good writing.

I'm just getting iver a terrible fever. It feels good to be relatively sane again. I need a haircut, a shave, and a massage wouldn't hurt. Listen to me.

I'm drilling this "over the shoulder" sweep from reverse de la riva. Its different Jiu Jitsu than I'm used to. It forces me to look at the same thing in a different way, which is good.

Theres a smile.